Doing some GLSL, again (2)

GLSL2, multiple editable shaders

In previous post, we did some GLSL with WebGL1, and we used a single shader. I very quickly made an editable shader component for the fragment shader.

See previous post: Doing some GLSL, again

Now, let’s use webGL2 and multiple shaders

Now, let’s try with WebGL2/GLSL2 ! and also with multiple shaders !

See some reference here:

GLSL code (editable)

Vertex Shaders

    Fragment Shaders

    Multiple editable shaders, with a vertex shader and a fragment shader:

    GLSL code (editable)

    Vertex Shaders

    Fragment Shaders

    Impressive examples - some remixed

    Here, I adapted some examples I found on the web. “Adapted”= some syntax and variables/uniforms names changed.

    Yohei Nishitsuji


    GLSL code (editable)


    GLSL code (editable)


    Impressive people / works