How this website is built


This website is built using SvelteKit, a framework for building web applications of all sizes.

The requirements are:

  • static website: no server runtime needed
  • content is written in markdown
  • RSS feeds are great, RSS is not dead

Perfectionism kills / better done than perfect

I can’t count the number of times I coded static web generators (professionally or not). This time, having much less time than before, I wanted to avoid the perfectionism trap, and focus publishing and content.

As a side effect, expect some broken and ugly things sometimes. Everyhting will be done iteratively.

How the build works

To handle content, I used the excellent library mdsvex, which allows to write markdown files with Svelte components integration support, and offers really deep and powerful extensibility.

  • gather “markdown” (mdsvex) files from src/posts and src/logs folders
  • parse them, gather metadatas (title, tags, publicatuion date, status, etc) and generate Svelte components
  • crawl each page of the website to generate the HTML, CSS and JS files that will be served to the client

code, inspiration end references

At the moment, the code of this website is on a github repository.

I stole some code and ideas from those 2 projects: